Founded in Spain during 1989, the International Coaches Institute (ICI) has become the first worldwide organization dedicated to offer training programs, international certification and comprehensive professional services to technicians teaching tennis, golf, padel, fitness and spa, through their respective Professional Registries: Tennis (RPT), Golf (RPG), Padel (RPP), Fitness (RPF) and Spa (RPS).

The ICI has more than 45,000 qualified technicians in 124 countries that receive services from its headquarters in Madrid, having trained more than 130,000 sports trainers since its foundation.


The Registro profesional de Golf – RPG (Registry of Golf Professionals), has taught in more than 650 clinics and training courses in 53 countries, and has organized 40 international conferences, 5 educational tours, and implemented about 200 promotional activities, giving the opportunity to all professionals in Spain be up-to-date in terms of systems, training techniques, teaching methodologies, technologies and innovations in the golf industry.

It’s culture and philosophy have placed the RPG in a leading organization, which today begins its international expansion coinciding with its 10th Anniversary, launched the RPG World Tour, with a new program called RPG Integral Golf Course.


Professionals who direct golf teaching centers, all coaches of the national or international circuit, or players with handicap -5 or professionals who leave the circuit to dedicate themselves to the teaching of golf or any professional golf teaching want to know the bases of the system and the keys to the success of Spanish golf.


To access this course it is necessary to have at least 20 years and be in possession of any of the following golf degrees: Federation or National Golf Association, Professional Golf Association (PGA), Registro profesional de Golf (RPG), European Golf Teachers Federation (EGTF), United States Golf Teachers Federation (USGTF), World Golf Teachers Federation (WGTF). Players with professional or handicap ranking -5 may also participate.

To register for the course, you must send by email to the RPG central office in Spain or to the course organizer in each country, a currriciulum vitae accrediting any of the above requirements together with your registration form, which must be approved by the Committee RPG Executive

The Basic System of Teaching of the RPG has been renewed in its entirety with a new educational patent: tetafime, which is composed of 4 pillars: technical / technical, ta / tactical, fi / physical and mental, that have been united, intertwined and interconnected so that any individual can reach their Ideal Competition State.

Course details

Learn about the skills and competences you will develop during the course and the professional accreditations for which it qualifies you.

Course program


The World Tour – Integral Course reviews the five basic levels that make up the professional training program of the RPG, with the following structure:

RPG Level 1 – Begginers System & Level 2 – Intermediate System

Designed for professionals and instructors who work with players of initiation in different levels: children, youth and adults. In Level 2 the RPG Method is applied to players with a handicap between 20/30.

RPG Level 3 – Advanced System

Designed for professionals and instructors who work with advanced players with a handicap between 10/19.

RPG Level 4 – Competition System

Designed for all those technicians who work with competitive players, with a handicap of less than 9

RPG Level 5 – Management System

Designed for all those professionals who are involved in the management of schools, academies and golf teaching programs.


In the World Tour – Integral Course, a theoretical / practical work program is taught, spread over 3 days.

During the new RPG Golf Integral Course, a continuous evaluation of each one of the participants will be carried out, at the conclusion of which the National qualification of the Registro Profesional de Golf, the European qualification of the European Registry of Golf Professionals, and the International qualification of the International Registry of Golf Professionals


Stewart Craig is considered a «guru» in the teaching of golf and one of the main drivers of the success of the Registro profesional de Golf – RPG (Registry of Golf Professionals). Born in Scotland, he is the Director of Coaching & Education of the European Registry of Golf Professionals (RPG Europe). Professional Golf Player, is qualified as Master Instructor by the European Golf Teachers Federation (EGTF) and as Master Teacher Professional by the RPG. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Registy of Golf Professionals, he has 20 years of experience in teaching golf. She has taken players in the circuit of the category of Corrine Dibnah, Dale Reid, Allison Nicholas, Ellen Smets, Elisabeth Esteri, Julie Forbes and Maria Boden.

Peter Ledwidge, born in Scotland, is Technical Director of the Registro profesional de Golf – RPG (Registry of Golf Professionals).Titled Master Instructor by the European Golf Teachers Federation, he is also certified as a Master Teacher Professional by the RPG. Member of the executive committee of the International Registry of Golf Professionals, he has 20 years of experience in teaching golf and is fluent in two languages: English and Spanish. In addition, Peter is a professional player in Spain, European Tour Coach and CGA Europe Master Clubmaker.

Luis Mediero, Founder and President of the International Coaches Institute, transferring the culture, philosophy and teaching methodology to different sports, which operate through their respective Professional Registries: Tennis (RPT), Padel (RPP); Golf (RPG); Fitness (RPF); Spa (RPS). Through the Corporate Training program, the secrets of sport are applied to the world of the company, with the purpose of offering different advice and theoretical / practical systems so that executives can achieve maximum performance. Luis Mediero, President / Founder of the Registro profesional de Golf – RPG (Registry of Golf Professionals).

Accreditation and benefits

RPG Club Comprehensive Professional Services that will be valid until 31 December of the current year, and include:

· Individual Civil Liability* Insurance for a value of €600,000.

International Golf Teaching and Coaching License.

Once you have taken and completed the RPG professional training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams, you will receive a new professional license to teach and coach Golf granted by the International Registry of Golf Professionals (RPG International), the United States Registry of Golf Professionals (RPG USA), the European Registry of Golf Professionals (RPG Europe) and the Registro Profesional de Golf (RPG).

The contribution of the RPG to the development and success of Golf will be decisive, with its international leadership with professional training programs and in the certification of Golf coaches, with the SECURITY & GUARANTEE of its PROFESSIONAL LICENSE for teaching the sport of GOLF worldwide.

Professional accreditation

Once you have completed the RPG training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams/tests, you will receive a new professional accreditation from the International Coaches Institute, and another from the Registry of Golf Professionals, where the hours completed and distributed according to the levels finished and the qualifications obtained will be certified, through the following areas: OnSITE Training, Study & Preparation, OnLINE Training, Personal Development and Professional Experience, with the aim of tackling with guarantees the future new framework for the regulation of the profession and sports qualifications.

International Certifications

Once you have completed the RPG training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams/tests, you will receive the qualifications from the United States Registry of Golf Professionals – RPG USA and the International Registry of Golf Professionals – RPG International. In addition, you will also receive certification from the European Registry of Golf Professionals – RPG Europe and the Registro Profesional de Golf.

In addition, you will also receive professional certification from the European Registry of Golf Professionals – RPG Europe and the Professional Golf Registry – RPG. All RPG qualifications are recognized and endorsed by the International Coaches Institute, which since 1989 has a presence in 131 countries and has more than 65,000 certified sports coaches.

World Tour: Spanish Golf System

Place reservation: 450 €
First day of the course: 1.000 €





  • Manual of the Integral Course of Golf: includes the manuals of the courses: sbiniciación, sbintermedio, sbavanzado, sbcompetición and sbdirección.
  • Pen
  • Certificate of attendance
  • National certification: Registro Profesional de Golf.
  • European certification European Registry of Golf Professionals.
  • International certification: International Registry of Golf Professionals.
  • Certificate of qualification from the International Coaches Institute.
  • Certificate of the European Union «European Community Certificate Supplement».
  • Services of the RPG Club during the current year, until December 31.