Our System

Official Certification Program – Programa Oficial de Titulaciones


Currently, one of the challenges which all organisations face is how to reconcile the personal goals of their professionals with the objectives of the company. We call this moment an “energy crisis” and it’s the result of not being able to make progress when faced with all the demands on our time, bodies and, essentially, our energy.

In this globalised world, we are under pressure on a daily basis and this hardly ever lessens. On the contrary it’s rising and when this demand grows persistently and exceeds our capacity to cope, negative consequences are inevitable- at work, in our health and in our private lives.

For this reason, we work to eliminate the obstacles that stop us having the optimum level of energy, using scientific methods and their incorporation into a training programme, in order to reach the Ideal Competitive State.

It’s not the time you dedicate to your work or family which determines your performance, but the energy that you have at your disposition. To maximise your energy you need to develop an inner Professional Coach, sustained by four theoretical pillars.


TETAFIME is a model which uses educational patents to develop the four pillars: Technical, Tactical, Physical and Mental. These are then integrated and interconnected to reach the ideal competitive state.

We understand that managing behaviour has a big impact on the ability to perform in highly demanding environments. TETAFIME offers a unique opportunity to improve performance and well-being, both are intimately connected with productivity.

Our research clearly confirms the connection between the commitment of the professional and their productivity. With an increase in commitment, there is a corresponding improvement in performance, and this is fundamentally based on energy levels. Commitment is something internal and shows itself clearly when we´re able to develop all four pillars


Principles to prioritise energy management, increasing productivity and commitment in our professional and personal lives


This offers the route to organisation and planning. It provides the skills needed to manage energy, and invest it in the most important areas


This generates the energy needed for action. It expands energy capacity and stamina in order to improve productivity in any field.


This channels energy, emphasising quality, intensity and focus. It develops the mental routines needed to reach top performance and replaces ineffective habits


+30 years of innovation

To increase the capacity to perform under pressure, we must train ourselves strategically, in order to manage our ability to spend and regain energy in the most efficient and effective way. We have spent more than two decades conducting sporting research in our laboratory, patenting 20 educational programmes and enabling Tennis, Golf, Padel and Fitness coaches to help their players reach an Ideal Competitive State. Some time ago we transferred this to the corporate world. It is very clear to us that managing your energy, not your time, is the most important factor in maintaining high performance in any activity. Thanks to this important discovery, we’ve established a new category in high performance in which we use:

Concept Drive System is an innovative concept based on a methodology for targeting your energy.

Simple, Sensible & Practical is the basis for our programmes: simple, sensible and 100% practical.

The Web Education System uses the internet as an ongoing educative, updating and recycling tool


Educational Basis System is a structured training plan that allows you to work with your energy and improve your fitness.


HdP: Human Development Pathway


The human being evolves along a path to reach their ‘character’. Sport has a fundamental role in the growth of any individual in the different stages of their life.

The CdC: Competitive Character is what provides the values that govern our relationship with ourselves and others. It determines our Ideal Competitive State


ADVISA: Feel Powerful


The ‘ADVISA: Feel Powerful’ formula helps the professional reach a higher level of performance, maximising their energy and developing a better psychophysical state without compromising their health or personal life.

This formula has been incorporated in all our educational programmes.


ADJUSTIV training system


The ADJUSTIV training system establish 4 different levels: Basic, Active, Sport and Extreme that function like a guide and helps the client/professional to find their most tailored place in the programmed session of work, providing a unique experience.





The Human Development Institute – HdI – promotes the development of the necessary resources to stimulate sports coaches and human resources professionals in companies, so that they can grow, advance, evolve and prosper in any competitive field.