The Professional Pickleball Registry – RPPk is a subsidiary of the International Coaches Institute – ICI founded in 1989, with locations in the United States and Europe, and has become the oldest and largest international organization dedicated to offering educational programs, international certification and comprehensive professional services to technicians in the teaching of tennis, golf, padel, fitness and pickleball through their respective Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Golf (RPGolf), Padel (RPPadel), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball (RPPk), with a clear objective: to offer all those tools necessary to train and develop people through sport. The ICI currently has +65,000 certified coaches in 131 countries, and since its foundation has trained +130,000 sports coaches.

The International Coaches Institute (ICI) has become the first and largest international organization dedicated to offering educational programs, international certification and comprehensive professional services to tennis, golf, padel, fitness and pickleball coaches through its respective Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Golf (RPGolf), Padel (RPPadel), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball (RPPk) with a clear objective: to offer all the necessary tools to train and develop people through sport. The ICI currently has +65,000 qualified coaches in 131 countries, and since its foundation in 1989, it has trained +130,000 sports coaches.

The ICI also operates in the business world with Corporate Athlete, applying the secrets of success in top-level sporting competition to the business world, with the aim of offering different theoretical/practical advice so that professionals can reach the Ideal State of Competition. The Corporate Athlete program has trained +15,000 senior managers worldwide to reach a higher level of performance.



DEGREE: Pickleball Director

At the end of the Integral Pickleball Course, all participants will be eligible for the title of: Pickleball Director.

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QUALIFICATION: National Trainer

At the end of the RPPk Level 2 or Accelerated course, all participants will be eligible for the title of: National Coach.

The exams are divided into 3 parts: Written, Pedagogical and Game. For the written exam you must submit a paper on the planning of training sessions for a group of advanced players during the first quarter of the course, following the models presented during the new RPPk Level 2 course, for which you have 90 days after the end of the course.

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QUALIFICATION: National Teacher, Instructor & Associate Instructor

At the end of the RPPk Level 1 course, all persons who have completed the course are eligible for the qualifications of: National Teacher, Instructor or Associate Instructor, depending on the scores obtained in the different exams.

The exams are divided into 3 parts: Written, Pedagogical and Game. The written exam is composed of 40 questions for a total of 100 points. In the pedagogical exam you will have to teach a forehand or backhand lesson to a group of students. In the game exam you will have to demonstrate your ability to execute the different strokes, as well as develop a ball throwing test. All the subjects and contents of the exams are covered in the Level 1 course of the Professional Pickleball Registry. In addition, a continuous evaluation will be made during the course days to each of the participants, which will determine the final result.

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